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An Equality and Diversity office has been created at ENISE because we wanted to implement ambitious policies for equality and diversity at our School. Its actions consist in promoting equality and diversity both among staff and students, requiring that they act accordingly.

The mission follows two main principles:

  • Suggest and implement actions in favour of equality, based on the actions recommended in the Charter "Pour l'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes" (between women and men) adopted by the 'Conférence des Présidents d'Université', the 'Conférence des Grandes Ecoles', the 'Conférence des Directeurs des Ecoles Françaises d’Ingénieurs', the Department for Higher education and Research, and the Department for Women's rights.
  • Promote actions which combat student discrimination based on gender, morals, sexual orientation, age, origin, handicap, nationality, religion and/or culture.

'Action Pour l’Egalité' group

It is a study group formed in February 2018 by some members of ENISE's staff on their own initiative. This group represents an opportunity for discussions and work on equality and diversity at ENISE, and is therefore a source of proposals and actions.

The success of this mission relies on the effort of both staff and students to lead actions, raise awareness and support:

ENISE Action pour l'égalité

Raising awareness

We organise seminars and conventions to raise awareness on the question of equality between women and men and on any other form of discrimination

  • We inform on the rights of victims of sexual and sexist violence or harassment, and on available help
  • We promote training schemes on questions such as the claims of the LGBTQI+ minority (lesbian, gay, transgender, queer, intersex and the "+" which includes the many other terms used to describe gender and sexuality).


  • We produce gender-related surveys on the various groups of people within the university (teaching and research staff, administration staff, students) and follow their evolution
  • Our positive incentives result in a better balance in the number of female and male students in the composition of all our courses
  • We encourage proportional presentations of females and males in all instances, at all levels and for all categories
  • We are including the questions of gender equality in the classes taught, by incorporating the concept of gender


  • We ensure that no studies or careers are discontinued because of domestic responsibilities or maternity (and any other situation: one-parent families, children with a handicap, etc)
  • We offer support to the victims of sexual violence and harassment, sexism and discrimination
  • We are attentive to situations which can potentially lead to violence

More information here

Mariem Kacem Boureau
Advisor for the mission "Egalité et diversité"

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